Like A Paradise
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Like A Paradise
Saturday • 1:14 PM • 0 comments

Haaa, title pun dah macam Chemistry. Hahaha, okayy. Emang misture. Sebab nak cerita macam macam. 

Alhamdulillah dah habis trial. Yeahh. And lagi berapa minggu nak SPM. Omo omo omo. Wish me luck okayy muah muah. So far ok lah kud resultnya. And yes we're having a holiday for this whole week. Sempena Merdeka Day. Yeayyy. And We've to read a lot of book, exercises. To get flying colours yeahhh

Time minggu kedua trial, hari Jumaat ada sambutan hari raya. And we 13-3 Musketeers were having so much fun. Dengan baju solu solu yang orang keep asking nasyid ke, marhaban ke, choral speaking ke and so the hell on. Tapi, kami tetap happy. Sebab, dapat tangkap gmbr yeayea. Walaupun, tak semestinya ada kita kat every single picture kan. And, Zieqa tak nak ambik gmbr dgn kita pun kan hahaha kidding kidding.

So the result when good.. Nahhhh

Gaya Paan. Haha, sorry ciplak. Memang sengaja pun haha.
Ok, cukup satu. Dah cukup bermakna. Tapi sayang w/o Aina, Hanna and Wan hmm
I just really love this picture of us. Thanks to Ibu (Mak Mas, Puan Nolee)

Then, sambung balik exam yoohoo
Habis exam iaitu last paper Bahasa Arab on Jumaat
That night, PARTYYYYYY. Hahaha, pizza yoo

Nak dapat Pizza pun susah tauu. Kitorang kan duduk asrama. So, call guna public and yes kitorang ada coupon something liddat. Then orang pizza kata taknak terima order sebab guna public.
Like what the hell dude! Lapar k lapar 
Spoil gila. So, mintak tolong mak Nurin. Sekali lepas solat mak dia kata ak dapat call even dah 10 times kud.
So we decided to not to buy. Tapi rasa nak makan pizza tu makin membuak-buak. Jadi pinjam ah phone guard. Guard pulak buat muka taik. Waishhh.
Pergi depan, dapat
Pizza sampai
Lari ke hostel
And yes
Picture comes first
Pizza pizza

Yes Pizza. Nampak 11A?
Itu yang kami semua dahagakan. Ceh. Amin
Ok then makan makan. 
Picture sini Picture sana

Ada lagi but no thanks. Lain kali sajalahhh
Alright, hmm. 

Jumaat baru ni, ada persaraan Ustazah Hashimah
And yes May Allah ease us and you Ustazah
Love you so much muah muah

Then, we done a little bit drama
Alhamdulillah, everything gone well

And I miss her kbye

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xoxo, Tasha Fatimah <3


Hi, I'm Tengku Nurtasha Fatimah. Welcome to my 'PARADISE'. I really hope you enjoy it :DD Love Love Love Haters

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